Social Security Benefit Calculator

The Social Security Benefit Calculator calculates the Social Security benefit for an old-age, survivor, or disability claim, given the characteristics of a particular worker (such as birth date, past earnings, and type of benefit). It also produces the Primary Insurance Amount (PIA), Maximum Family Benefit (MFB), the actuarial reduction or increment factor (for early or delayed retirement), and the Monthly Benefit Amount (MBA).

The Calculator can produce a benefit for any historical case from the first Social Security benefit paid (1940). It can also produce a projected benefit estimate, based on standard or user-specified assumptions, through 2095. All amendments to the law, and automatic adjustments, through 2016 are taken into account.

Although we have tried to be as accurate as possible, this is not the same program as is used for official Social Security calculations and it may produce results that differ from an official calculation. In particular, for primary benefits, we have made approximations for pre-1965 benefits and for the frozen minimum PIA, and we only partially take account of disability non-exclusion calculations. In addition, the calculator is not set up to estimate dependent or survivor benefits in situations where the dependent or survivor also receives benefits based on their own record, or survivor benefits where the benefit is affected by the worker's retired worker benefit prior to death. Based on experience to date, the Calculator matches the official calculations very well, with most differences due to late posting of earnings to the earnings record, or different assumptions for projected benefits.

The source program is not copyrighted. Distribution is encouraged, with acknowledgment to the Social Security Administration, Office of the Chief Actuary.